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Inquiry Question 1 sources
Inquiry Question 2 sources
Inquiry Question 3 sources

Evaluating SOURCES



United Kingdom Ministry of education


The source is highly accurate and informative because it can be found in the U.K government’s website, mentions specific aspects of the GCSE evaluations and explains clear reasons and updates for the specifications shown.


August 2011


At first the source seems to be biased towards the programme; however, it later shows background information and opinions which oppose each other, exposing two opposing sides. Due to this it is very neutral.


The article talks about what the GCSE examinations are, their history, previous examinations in the United Kingdom, the GCSE educational programme, controversies, and quotes from education experts talking about the programme and its examination methods.



Cambridge assessments


Tim Oates


The accuracy of this source is considerably high as it is a research paper conducted by Cambridge’s research division on assessment research and development. All aspects shown in this academic paper have evidence which corroborate their validity. Furthermore, the paper is clearly divided and organised into sections.


April 2013


The source is a research paper conducted by a neutral organisation; thereby, there is no biased information on the source because everything is based on researched results and previous information on the topic.


The paper talks about which structure holds more promise when tiering; in other words, how many tiers and in subjects these can work for the students improvement. Later on the article talks about options, the options section is divided into sections which talk about: tiered papers, un-tiered papers, diagnostic formative support, other types of papers, and the level 1 and 2 divisions in papers and classwork.





I designed the survey, the interviewed population consisted of CCB parents, students, and teachers.


The survey asks opinions on specific subjects and issues which may occur in the CCB. It has no open questions, and there is only one comment section where people should write a definition, meaning that answers are as concise and accurate as they can get.


March 2016


The survey is not biased. Although, on the last question there is a slight inclination towards option two, meaning that some questions are slightly biased. Furthermore, my project is in favour of differentiation which means that the survey can be written unfairly.


The survey, in summary, can be divided into three blocks. The first one asks about subjects and differences of knowledge and skill in these. After that we may find a section asking about differentiation and class management. Finally, the survey asks about what teachers and school are meant for.



Concordia Portland Online


Concordia online education


This source is very precise and accurate. It talks about a reknoen topic and theory, then questions it using research and valid arguments with strong supporting evidence behind them.


14th of January 2013


The article is very balanced in terms of being impartial. Its safe to say that even if the article questions a famous teaching theory, it is not fully against it. Therefore, it does not fully endorse a type of instruction, but instead questions them all, proving that it is not biased.


The article talks about bloom’s taxonomy, and how it should be changed. See entry in inquiry question one, page investigation and progress. 






Resources for Differentiation-  Orbital studies


Carol Ann Tomlinson


The article touches general concepts and talks about how they are usually treated buy all of us, its accuracy relies on the use of different terms and specific concepts; in spite of this, the source is not very accurate.


7th of April 2010


The article feels slightly biased towards using this type of differentiation in teaching, it talks about how it is best to differentiate instead of regular teaching; however, it does not mention any arguments against differentiated learning.


The article is written by segments, these being the following: what are orbital studies, how do you assess it, and common misconceptions. They develop each of these topics in small paragraphs, it is not very extensive though.


TeachHUB- Differentiated instruction strategies using tiered assignments


Janelle Cox


This article is very accurate as it talks about different things concerning differentiation, what it is and how it works. Moreover, the article gives us insight into what teaching with these methods is like and how are teachers supposed to do it. Also it provides a great set of tips and sequential way in which a teacher could differentiate.


September 2015


This article is not biased. We may confirm this because it talks about how only a portion of the teaching community use differentiated lessons. It doesn’t only mention tiering, but also flexible grouping, scaffolding and other differentiation techniques.


The article explains the concept of tiering by using other concepts, meaning that you begin by being introduced into what differentiated learning is, then you learn about other types of differentiation and finally you get to tiering. Tiering is described in the article in stages, it begins b explaining what tiering is, then it tells us how to tier (many methods one could use), results obtained by using tiered assignments, and finally it tells us about making tiers invisible.



LDschool- Tiered approaches to teaching students with learning disabilities


Kyle Robinson and Dr. Nancy L. Hutchinson


This is by far one of the most accurate articles in all of my investigation. It’s reliability is unquestionable, most of its arguments and written material is corroborated by extensive research papers which I have also used and read. The language used in the article is precise and it employs a constant use of knowledge terminology and concepts.


6th of August 2014


The article might be very focused towards differentiation, but it is not biased. Everything in the article is posed as a conclusion or an interpretation from previous research papers and published articles talking about research on this field.


The article talks about how tiered approaches may help students with difficulties on the classroom. Most aspects are covered in the article as it talks about everything one should know when talking about using tiered instruction as a method to help students who are currently struggling. In the article we may find how RTI (tiered approach to intervention) works, research supporting that RTI works, resources for teachers and an extensive bibliography.



The Glossary of Education Reform


Great Schools Partnership


The website from which I extracted this information is regarded as an official and reliable organization. The information is provided by the global school association. Furthermore, all the information presented I the website is accounted for and has evidence to back it up.


14th of April 2015


It is safe to say that the article is not biased, whatsoever. In the webpage one may see multiple types of differentiation if not all of the most important ones, pros and cons of each type of differentiation and regular way of teaching, and at the end there is a section which talks about the debate on differentiation; meaning we get to see both sides of the issue.


The article talks about differentiation in general and types in which it can be used to teach students and improve their learning experience. At the beginning we see the definition of personalized learning and some synonyms used to refer to the same concept, then the article tackles a variety of topics related to this type of instruction: how we use it, where it is most commonly used, how can we use it, types of differentiation, benefits of this type of instruction, the debate on whether it’s effective or not, and ways in which teachers and schools use it. These are the main concepts viewed in this source.



Tiering to avoid tears: Developing assignments that address all learners' needs




This source is incredibly thorough and accurate, we can see the evidence provided for each thing said or every opinion expressed, it is filled with useful and proven arguments and tips to differentiate using tiering. The source uses a language with multiple concepts that make reference to specific knowledge sectors and explains them efficiently and in a detailed manner.




This source is part of a serious and official work on differentiation. Every argument and suggestion written in the article is corroborated by evidence. We may say that the article is slightly biased towards using tiering as the main method to differentiate; in spite of that, the source is still being a very complete and enriching piece on the topic.


This is a segment of a bigger work on differentiation written by Linda Pigott Robinson, this segment talks about why tiered classes and assignments should be used, how they should be used and what tiering is all about. The article gives us a very clear idea of what tiering is and how it works. We also receive guides and platforms to design classes using tiering on different areas of focus.



DreamBox Learning




In terms of accuracy this article sets high standards. It presents specific arguments and accounts which are backed up using evidence collected from historical records and research documents. Furthermore, the article has an image which gives us highly informative statistics and comparisons.


September 24th, 2013


We may say that the source is biased in the sense that it supports using differentiation as a way of replacing traditional learning and not as a way of complimenting it, therefore the whole article tries to make us believe that usual education is an old-fashioned concept which has been proven wrong.


The article starts by talking about the history of education and how it has changed throughout the ages, then when it reaches the 21st century the article starts talking about education nowadays and the course it should take from now and so forth. Completing this idea, the article provides a diagram which has multiple statistics and proven facts comparing various aspects between traditional learning and differentiated learning.



Methods of Differentiation in the Classroom


Not specified


It is safe to say that the source is reliable and accurate. This is because the BBC is a recognized media company and it posts official and proven information only. Furthermore, BBC active is a program created by the BBC to help with education, meaning that everything which is posted by this branch of the British company may be considered reliable and accurate.


Not specified, copyright set in 2010


The information provided by the source is unbiased, we see an impartial presentation of information amongst other things the article shows.


We get a definition of what student differentiation is and what the whole concept is about. After this we get introduced into the three areas of dividing students in multileveled groups. Finally we see some ways in which differentiation can be made based on the student’s needs and prefernces.



Interviewing Matthew Bradbury, Student in the United Kingdom


Santiago Ordoñez (me), Matthew Bradbury


In the interview we touch topics which are about experience, and what the program’s flaws and benefits are. Matthew talks very extensively about these things. We may say the source is reliable as he talks based on experience and knowledge, but it is not as reliable as an actual written or published article.


January 2016


Matthew argue both side of the idea and for both benefits a problems present in the system. He places himself in the position of any type of student, not taking a defined position as a type of student but as an impartial person who has experienced learning through this course.


In the interview we talk about what the system in the UK is, how it works, why is the system good and which flaws does it have, as well as his personal opinion on what students may feel like when learning through this methodology.



Patricia Escobar, academic coordinator in the CCB and head of batch


Santiago Ordoñez (me), Patricia Escobar


Mrs. Patricia has had years of experience in teaching, she has been head of primary, batch and headmaster for some time. Furthermore, she is the school’s academic coordinator meaning she has had to deal with topics concerning education and teaching philosophies. However, the most important aspect when talking about accuracy is that she has been studying differentiation for a long time; consequently, she knows very well the terms and types of differentiation nowadays.


February 2016


Mrs. Patricia has the school’s perspective and her own to consider, this makes her opinion very important. Considering the previous statement, I would say that Mrs. Patricia as a source is slightly biased towards her own opinion, but this is minimized by her obligation to the school.


See entry in inquiry 2 in the investigation and progress page.



Eleanor Cosh, MYP coordinator in the CCB


Santiago Ordoñez (me), Mrs. Eleanor Cosh


As the person in charge of the MYP in the CCB she has a very broad knowledge on how education works, as well as differentiation. Furthermore, Mrs. Cosh has had experience with tiering and advanced placement before, she introduced this system in math and English in primary section when she worked there, meaning that she provided accurate and useful information on the topics.


 January 2016


Mrs. Cosh is fully impartial when it comes to making decisions and advice, this is because she is the MYP coordinator and the person in charge of the personal project activity, this makes her have no unfairly based opinion on any subject treated.


See inquiry 2 Entry



Concordia Portland Online


 Cathy Weselby in Teaching Strategies


The article has a large bibliography and talks about concepts necessary to understand differentiated learning. We may say it’s reliable as the information was provided by an educational site with a trustworthy domain: edu.


 1st of October 2014


The article appears to be biased at first; however, after one reaches the end it is easy to notice that the article is not. There is a discussion listing all the pros and cons that may appear when using this system of differentiation.


The article starts by talking about how differentiation works, what it is, and how it might help students. Afterwards we get introduced into differentiation’s history and its origins, then the author proceeds to tell us how to differentiate based on various aspects. To conclude, as mentioned previously, we get a list of benefits and consequences of using differentiation.




DI Bailey


 Cecilia Lemon


The article has a large bibliography and talks about concepts necessary to understand differentiated learning. We may say it’s reliable as the information was provided by an educational site with a trustworthy domain: edu.


 1st of October 2014


The article appears to be biased at first; however, after one reaches the end it is easy to notice that the article is not. There is a discussion listing all the pros and cons that may appear when using this system of differentiation.


The article starts by talking about how differentiation works, what it is, and how it might help students. Afterwards we get introduced into differentiation’s history and its origins, then the author proceeds to tell us how to differentiate based on various aspects. To conclude, as mentioned previously, we get a list of benefits and consequences of using differentiation.




What is tiering?


 Anne Hawkins, Mary-Elizabeth Robinson, Melodie Hunsberger, atudents


The video is very accurate in terms of practice and experience, it shows class planning and ways in which one can divide a classroom using tiering. Furthermore, the website is reliable and the fact the video takes place in various schools makes it all the more trustworthy.


August 2010


The video seems inclined towards using differentiation in the classroom, specially tiering. However, all of this is proven by previous results and other types of research within the schools.


In the video we may see how a group of teachers discuss tiered classes and activities as a type of differentiation. We get a definition of tiering and practical applications of this method; furthermore, there is a segment where the teachers show how they tiered in that school.





Janelle Cox


This source talks about tiering specifically, meaning that it’s very accurate in terms of precision. When it comes to reliability we may say that the source is reliable as it has a good bibliography, good resources, and we find the article in a website designed for teachers specifically by teachers.


Not specified, copyright made from 2009-2016.


The article seems to be biased towards using tiering as the principal method of differentiation, although we find this in a page which contains multiple types of differentiation which means the source overall is not biased.


The article talks about how tiering differs from other types of differentiation, like flexible grouping. We get information on how to tier students and assignments, instead of using other types of differentiation. Further on we get into the final product, and how to use other resources at hand to make tiering all the more effective and make thee tiers invisible.



Patricia Escobar, academic coordinator in the CCB and head of batch


Santiago Ordoñez (me), Patricia Escobar


Mrs. Patricia has had years of experience in teaching, she has been head of primary, batch and headmaster for some time. Furthermore, she is the school’s academic coordinator meaning she has had to deal with topics concerning education and teaching philosophies. However, the most important aspect when talking about accuracy is that she has been studying differentiation for a long time; consequently, she knows very well the terms and types of differentiation nowadays.


March 2016


Mrs. Patricia has the school’s perspective and her own to consider, this makes her opinion very important. Considering the previous statement, I would say that Mrs. Patricia as a source is slightly biased towards her own opinion, but this is minimized by her obligation to the school.


See entry in inquiry 2 in the investigation and progress page.





Janelle Cox


This source talks about tiering specifically, meaning that it’s very accurate in terms of precision. When it comes to reliability we may say that the source is reliable as it has a good bibliography, good resources, and we find the article in a website designed for teachers specifically by teachers.


Not specified, copyright made from 2009-2016.


The article seems to be biased towards using tiering as the principal method of differentiation, although we find this in a page which contains multiple types of differentiation which means the source overall is not biased.


The article talks about how tiering differs from other types of differentiation, like flexible grouping. We get information on how to tier students and assignments, instead of using other types of differentiation. Further on we get into the final product, and how to use other resources at hand to make tiering all the more effective and make thee tiers invisible.



Colombian Ministry Of Education- Decreto 1290


Colombian governments


The source is highly reliable and accurate as it is a document provided by the government. Therefore, everything inside the documents must be considered strictly official.




The article has no bias. This is because it’s an official governmental document.


In the document we get the Colombian laws regarding students’ rights, responsibilities and skill level. See entry in inquiry question 3, investigation and progress page.





Kathleen Stevenson


The source is regarded as a highly accurate source, as well as reliable. This is because all the information is backed up by research and documents. Moreover, we see this is an educational site for teachers, which was created by experts and professional educators.




The article has no bias. This is because it’s an official governmental document.


The article consists in an explanation of how to differentiate and teach in a multileveled classroom with very intelligent and some incapable students. We get various methods in which we could divide the classroom to obtain optimal results in the learning process itself. These methods enable the teacher to divide efficiently a classroom for those more than capable and those who lack capability. We also get to see which types of intelligence there are.



IRIS | Five Core Reading Components


The Vanderbilt College, Claremont University


We may notice that the source is written by two universities, meaning that the level of accuracy required for a published article to be released is very high. The article goes into substantial detail and describes thoroughly rthe topic treated.




The article is not biased. It is safe to affirm the previous statement as the purpose of the source is purely informative.


We get to see which are the five core components of reading, and how we may apply these when teaching. I researched this in order to know how I should differentiate certain classes within the English subject.



Reading rockets - Best practice for RTI differentiated reading assignments for all students


What works clearinghouse


The article uses accurate terms of knowledge and we are able to see how the tiers in reading should be divided; moreover, there is substantial evidence and research provided in the source itself which proves the statements made.


15th of September 2014


There is no bias within this article, we just get introduced into the concepts of differentiated or tiered reading. Furthermore, everything which is affirmed or stated in the site is corroborated by previous research.


This source gives us the basics of differentiated reading, how sets in it work and how one should manage students of different abilities in the same classroom. 

© Created by Santiago Ordoñez, october 2015 - march 2016. with

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